Pointers to Web sites with additional helpful information:
- Florida Reef Fish Identification Guide
- New World Publications Web Site -- Excellent marine life identification books and materials
- Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) -- Fish identification resource guide (Zone 3101 has a list of common local saltwater fish)
- Marine Science Center (Ponce Inlet) -- Local marine life exhibits and information (Click on Artificial Reefs)
- Marine Discovery Center (New Symrna Beach) -- Local marine life exhibits and information, and eco tours
- Halifax Sport Fishing Club
- Florida Artificial Reefs Overview (FWC)
- Includes statewide reef list and other excellent information
- Other reef systems in Florida:
- Broward County Artificial Reefs
- Palm Beach County Reef Research Team -- See their Gulf Stream and Keys fish identification quiz
- Jacksonville Reef Research Team
- Grays Reef in Georgia -- Identification of inshore central Florida fish
- TISIRI (Think It, Sink It, Reef It)